- issue (issuing) house
- эмиссионный дом
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
issuing house — noun A corporate bank that handles share issues on behalf of listed companies • • • Main Entry: ↑issue … Useful english dictionary
issuing house — An organisation, normally a merchant bank, that arranges the details of an issue of stocks or shares, and the necessary compliance with the London Stock Exchange regulations in connection with the listing of that issue. Exchange Handbook Glossary … Financial and business terms
issuing house — A financial institution, usually a merchant bank or investment bank, that specializes in the flotation of private companies on a stock exchange In some cases the issuing house will itself purchase the whole issue (see underwriter), thus ensuring… … Big dictionary of business and management
house — firms that conduct business as broker dealers in securities or in the investment banking ( investment bank) field are characterized as houses. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary 1 A designation that refers to proprietary, non segregated clearing… … Financial and business terms
issue price — offering price The price at which a new issue of shares is sold to the public. Once the issue has been made the securities will have a market price, which may be above (at a premium on) or below (at a discount on) the issue price ( stag). In an… … Accounting dictionary
issue price — offering price The price at which a new issue of shares is sold to the public. Once the issue has been made the securities will have a market price, which may be above (at a premium on) or below (at a discount on) the issue price (see also stag) … Big dictionary of business and management
issue by tender — sale by tender A type of offer for sale in which an issuing house asks investors to tender for a new issue of shares or other securities, which are then allocated to the highest bidders. It is usual for the tender documents to state the lowest… … Accounting dictionary
issue by tender — sale by tender; tender offer A type of offer for sale in which an issuing house asks investors to tender for a new issue of shares or other securities, which are then allocated to the highest bidders. It is usual for the tender documents to state … Big dictionary of business and management
issue — Synonyms and related words: accomplishment, accord, activity, administer, affair, afford, airing, allot, allow, announce, answer, appear, argue, arise, artifact, ascertainment, at issue, attend, award, back number, bail out, bandying, basis, be… … Moby Thesaurus
Procedures of the United States House of Representatives — The United States Constitution provides that each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, [U.S. Const. Art. I, Sec. V, Clause II] therefore each Congress of the United States, upon convening, approves its own governing rules of… … Wikipedia
White House conference — A White House conference is a national meeting sponsored by the Executive Office of the President of the United States with the purpose of discussing an issue or topic of importance to the American public.cite web |… … Wikipedia